RT 35T11 GT | 85 Day RM
Big plant, high yielding, good stay green, dual-purpose grain or silage hybrid, good corn-on-corn option.
- Excellent in Medium Soils
- Great High Population Tolerance
- Great Seedling Vigor
- Great Drought Tolerance
- Recommended Pop 30-34K
- Good stay green for wide harvest window
- Workhorse suited for most rotations
- Good for continuous corn rotation
- Seedling Vigor 8
- Plant Height Medium - Tall
- Ear Height Medium - High
- Ear Flex 7
- Cob Color Pink
- Stalk 8
- Root 8
- Stay Green 6
- Dry Down 7
- Test Weight 7
- Gray Leaf Spot Tolerance 8
- Northern Leaf Blight Tolerance 7
- Goss’s Wilt Tolerance 5
- FiberGest Rating 7
- SofStarch Rating 7
- Milk per Ton 8
- Milk per Acre 8
RT 35T14 VIP 3110 | 85 Day RM
Big plant, high yielding, good stay green, dual-purpose grain or silage hybrid, good corn-on-corn option.
- Excellent in Medium Soils
- Great High Population Tolerance
- Great Seedling Vigor
- Great Drought Tolerance
- Recommended Pop 30-34K
- Good stay green for wide harvest window
- Workhorse suited for most rotations
- Good for continuous corn rotation
- Seedling Vigor 8
- Plant Height Medium - Tall
- Ear Height Medium - High
- Ear Flex 7
- Cob Color Pink
- Stalk 8
- Root 8
- Stay Green 6
- Dry Down 7
- Test Weight 7
- Gray Leaf Spot Tolerance 8
- Northern Leaf Blight Tolerance 7
- Goss’s Wilt Tolerance 5
- FiberGest Rating 7
- SofStarch Rating 7
- Milk per Ton 8
- Milk per Acre 8
RT 49T61 GT | 99 Day RM
Medium to higher placed flex ears, showy healthy plant, strong adaptation west to east.
- Great Drought Tolerance
- Very Good FiberGest Rating
- Great SofStarch Rating
- Great Milk per Acre
- Recommended Pop 26-30K
- Excellent seed emergence and vigor
- Consistent yield with top end potential
- Excellent eye appeal
- Seedling Vigor 8
- Plant Height Medium - Tall
- Ear Height Medium
- Ear Flex 7
- Cob Color Lt. Red
- Stalk 7
- Root 7
- Stay Green 5
- Dry Down 7
- Test Weight 7
- Gray Leaf Spot Tolerance 8
- Northern Leaf Blight Tolerance 6
- Goss’s Wilt Tolerance 6
- FiberGest Rating 7
- SofStarch Rating 8
- Milk per Ton 8
- Milk per Acre 8
RT 51T51 GT | 101 Day RM
Medium-tall robust plant with great silage appeal and a wide range of adaptability in multiple regions. The pedigree behind this hybrid brings time-tested consistency with new era yield for silage and grain.
- Consistent performance across wide range of environments and management practices
- Good tolerance to stalk and leaf diseases
- Very good dual purpose for silage and grain
- Can move south as an early hybrid
- Recommended Population 30-34K
- Keep pops on higher end for top yield in better soils
- Strong performance between I-90 and I-70
- Use caution applying Capreno, Sharpen, Status, or Corvus herbicides while hybrid is under environmental stress, grain yields may be reduced
- Seedling Vigor 8
- Plant Height Medium - Tall
- Ear Height Medium - Tall
- Ear Flex
- Cob Color Pink
- Stalk 8
- Root
- Stay Green 8
- Dry Down
- Test Weight 8
- Gray Leaf Spot Tolerance 8
- Northern Leaf Blight Tolerance
- Goss’s Wilt Tolerance 8
- FiberGest Rating 8
- SofStarch Rating 8
- Milk per Ton 8
- Milk per Acre
RT 51T57 VIP 3122 | 101 Day RM
Medium-tall robust plant with great silage appeal and a wide range of adaptability in multiple regions. The pedigree behind this hybrid brings time-tested consistency with new era yield for silage and grain.
- Consistent performance across wide range of environments and management practices
- Good tolerance to stalk and leaf diseases
- Very good dual purpose for silage and grain
- Can move south as an early hybrid
- Use caution applying Capreno, Sharpen, Status, or Corvus herbicides while hybrid is under environmental stress, grain yields may be reduced
- Recommended Population 30-34K
- Keep pops on higher end for top yield
- Strong performance between I-90 and I-70
- Seedling Vigor 8
- Plant Height Medium - Tall
- Ear Height Medium – High
- Ear Flex
- Cob Color Pink
- Stalk 8
- Root
- Stay Green 8
- Dry Down
- Test Weight 8
- Gray Leaf Spot Tolerance 8
- Northern Leaf Blight Tolerance
- Goss’s Wilt Tolerance 8
- FiberGest Rating
- SofStarch Rating 8
- Milk per Ton 8
- Milk per Acre
RT 54T11 GT | 104 Day RM
Excellent performance across varied environments. Dual purpose hybrids with high grain and silage yields. Very good disease ratings. A flex hybrid that works on a wide range of populations.
- High Yields Silage and Grain Across Varied Soils
- Excellent roots
- Very Good NDFd30 and IVSD 7 ratings
- Very Good Emergence and Seedling Vigor
- Recommended Pop 28-32K
- Consistent high yields across the Midwest and South, Broadly adapted with outstanding agronomics, Great FiberGest, very good SofStarch results, Very good dual-purpose hybrid
- Available as: 54T13 (3000 GT)
- Seedling Vigor 9
- Plant Height Tall
- Ear Height Medium
- Ear Flex 8
- Cob Color Pink
- Stalk 9
- Root 9
- Stay Green 8
- Dry Down 8
- Test Weight 8
- Gray Leaf Spot Tolerance 8
- Northern Leaf Blight Tolerance 7
- Goss’s Wilt Tolerance 6
- FiberGest Rating 8
- SofStarch Rating 8
- Milk per Ton 8
- Milk per Acre 8
RT 54T13 GT | 104 Day RM
Excellent performance across varied environments. Dual purpose hybrid with high grain and silage yields. Great disease ratings. A flex hybrid that works on a wide range of populations.
- High Yields of Silage and Grain Across Varied Soils
- Great Root Strength
- Excellent FiberGest and SofStarch ratings
- Great Seedling Vigor
- Recommended Population 28-32K
- Broadly adapted with outstanding agronomics
- Very good dual-purpose hybrid
- Consistent high yields across the Midwest and South
- Seedling Vigor 8
- Plant Height Tall
- Ear Height Medium
- Ear Flex
- Cob Color Pink
- Stalk 8
- Root 8
- Stay Green 8
- Dry Down 8
- Test Weight 8
- Gray Leaf Spot Tolerance 8
- Northern Leaf Blight Tolerance 8
- Goss’s Wilt Tolerance 8
- FiberGest Rating
- SofStarch Rating
- Milk per Ton
- Milk per Acre
RT 57T11 GT | 107 Day RM
A robust plant with excellent silage and grain ratings. Excellent eye appeal across the corn belt, Dark Green canopy type leaves with a robust stalk, Excellent roots and late season stand ability, Wide regional adaptation with consistent yields in silage and grain.
- High Silage Yields
- Excellent Roots
- Very Good NDFD30 & IVSD 7 Ratings
- GVery Good Seed Emergence & Seeding Vigor
- Recommended Pop 30-36K
- Slower grain dry down due to plant health with in maturity range
- Manage populations to management practices and soil conditions
- Very good response to fungicide application
- Seedling Vigor 8
- Plant Height Medium - Tall
- Ear Height Medium
- Ear Flex 7
- Cob Color Pink
- Stalk 9
- Root 9
- Stay Green 9
- Dry Down 7
- Test Weight 7
- Gray Leaf Spot Tolerance 8
- Northern Leaf Blight Tolerance 9
- Goss’s Wilt Tolerance 9
- FiberGest Rating 9
- SofStarch Rating 9
- Milk per Ton 9
- Milk per Acre 9