Chicory is a very special plant and is best described as an herb.


Chicory is a very special plant and is best described as an herb. Its taproot makes it drought resistant. It is best used as a component in grazing pastures, increasing overall palatability and animal intake. Chicory is high in energy and protein (30% plus) and is very palatable.

Herbaceous, broadleaf plants, Forbs yield high quality forage and can be used to fill seasonal gaps.

Birdsfoot Trefoil is a non-bloating perennial legume used for both pastures and hay production. It grows well where alfalfa does poorly.


Forbs need to be managed properly. Chicory is not very persistent if it does not get a 25 day rest period between grazings. It can be used in a wide range of soil types and can be planted monoculture. Plantain is not recommended for use in a monoculture situation but works very well in use with brassicas for grazing and pasture. It is ready to be grazed when the leaf tears before the plant is pulled out. Yield data shows over 6 tons of dry matter for well managed plantain.


Establishment into a firm seed bed is imperative. The monoculture seeding rate should be 5 to 8 lbs and 1 to 2 lbs in mixes. Forbs responds well to fertilizers, especially nitrogen.

Forb Feast


  • Excellent source of digestible energy, protein and minerals
  • Deep taproot lends persistence and production in extreme heat and moisture stress
  • Exhibits winter hardiness

Puna II Chicory


  • High dry matter production
  • True perennial chicory
  • Multi-graze option w/quick recovery
  • Drought tolerant

Birdsfoot Trefoil


  • Good stress and grazing tolerance
  • Good forage yield
  • Non-bloating legume
  • Excellent winterhardiness
  • Excellent forage quality