Tim Huffman started PEAK Forage Products in 2010. Born out of a request for forage and feeding research, Huffman saw a need to help farmers maximize their overall output through looking at their opportunities to boost production of their fields. Through a partnership with Kurvin Zimmerman, Huffman conducted research on Zimmerman's farm, looking for the best solutions for their customers. Since 2010, the partnership has allowed for extensive double cropping evaluation along with corn grain and silage evaluations. Each year, Peak Forage Products analyzes over 80 different corn grain and corn silage varieties. They also look at summer annuals, alfalfa, and cool season grasses and continue to evaluate ways to increase fiber digestibility and tonnage per acre.
PEAK Dairy Consulting was started at the same time to help bridge the gap between forage and nutrition. Together, PEAK Dairy and PEAK Forage Products focus on increasing forage quality and tonnage for dairy clients.
In addition to work done through PEAK Forage Products and PEAK Dairy Consulting, the experienced staff of PEAK Ag Businesses works with farmers to meet all of their farm's needs through their companion businesses, PEAK Soil Solutions and PEAK Forage Solutions. With their extensive experience and quality products, PEAK Ag Businesses can offer insight and solutions on how to improve your operation.
We strive to:
- Provide our customers with the best genetic options in corn grain, corn silage, alfalfas, clovers, forage grasses, hay, and pasture seed.
- Be the most profitable option for the farmers we serve. We are not the biggest seed company, nor are we always the cheapest option, but our focus is profitability for our farmers.
- Provide research that is practical for your operation, whether it is livestock or grain operation. Each year, we plant hundreds of plots as forage and grain along with practical farming techniques.
PEAK Forage Products, LLC. is owned by Tim Huffman and Kurvin Zimmerman.
It is proudly family-run. Pictured below are Nick Huffman (left) and Tim Huffman (right).